I’m Thinking of Ending Things — Why it is such a Pretentious Bad Movie.

Yvens Serpa
10 min readSep 21, 2020
Street in Roskilde. In the Background of the Cathedral, by Jørgen Roed (1836) [from USEUM]

I’m Thinking of Ending Things is the most recent movie from Charlie Kaufman, the writer of Being John Malkovich and Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, both highly acclaimed film. Kaufman is known for writing dream-like stories in which characters dwell in a surreal reality, struggling over a sense of connection and identity.



Yvens Serpa

I'm a Brazilian teacher currently working at Saxion University (Enschede, NL) for CMGT. I write every day for education, programming, and as a hobby. [@yvensre]