Yes, I understand your points and to some extent it eventually boils down to opinion anyway. None of us were involved in the production of those games (sadly, as you might agree).
I think this "difficulty" or "random encounter" is not the core elements that made JRPG not so big in the USA, but that's also my opinion. Personally, I think that RPGs tend to be a bit more contemplative, in a sense that you think more and act less, while traditional western media is more active - you act more than you stop to think and contemplate.
For the 3D aspect, I'm still very much on the side that it is definitely quite doable. For example Earthlock has a "free camera" during the 3D battles that let you control how you want to see the characters. But still, it might be due to my game developer background that insists that everything can be programmed given enough time (and money).
I'll definitely check the Reverse Design books, thanks for the recommendation. I haven't read any of them yet, but will surely do.
And thanks for the reply :)